The fun continues and here is the evidence. Not only fun with the fringe but also color.
I have the most fabulous brush that is thick, soft, and provides soft yummy edges. Here is a close up of the brush work for the fringe. The light and shadow shapes of the whites are subtle.
The head and ears are made of muslin fabric and edges are crisper in some places. Again you can see the dark mass around the neck made of mostly dark blue fringe. There are pops of color but that is part of the details that I will save for later.
The spools of thread, mug, and pin cushion are hard edge objects that I play against the softness of the fringe. At this stage I have just blocked in light and shadow shapes. This will be the focal point area. You can see the soft yellow of the book that was reduced in its intensity so as not to draw your eye to that area.
More work on the head and ears while the edges are still wet and I can work the edges into their environment. The eyes are very small dots but create a slight indention and value change. I'm loving it so far.
And finally a larger look at the entire painting. After looking at the antique quilt and the boring arrangement of it, I created a triangular drape that is more interesting. I am modifying the colors to repeat what will be in the book, spools of thread, book, and the colors that will be in the neck fringe. This is just a block in at this point. I feel the design of the quilt will need to be softened and treated with less intensity.
Stay tuned to see more stages of this painting. In the meantime, be sure to sign up for the newsletter. And I want to thank all of you who have purchased the demo book "Italian Repast." I appreciate everyone's support and following.